Cleaning Services
  • per hour with 1/2 increments. Maximum of 3 hours per day
  • per 1/2 hour with 15-minute increments after the first 2 hours.
Grocery service
  • per trip with a maximum of 3 trips per day
home office service
  • per hour with a maximum of 4 hours per day
general errands
  • per mile traveled round trip. This does not include passengers who are not permitted unless discussed.
home organizing
  • per hour with a maximum of 4 hours per day

Adult passenger rides
  • per mile, round trip with a maximum of 3 trips per day. This service does not include children or non-adults and right of refusal is reserved
event catering setup/tear down
  • per hour with a maximum of 5 hours per event, per day

It is very important to give me a call to discuss my pricing model and how I tailor my services and pricing to meet your needs. Merry Mary is a service designed by customers for customers and will always work something out. Thank you for your time and interest.